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Expectations and Disappointments - the seed of insecurity

My mirror is clear...buffed and shined
I see me
creating a situation with the seed of insecurity
watering it
drawing to me anything that will cultivate
that piece of me that desires

human touch

planting nothing more than strife and heartache



giving time and attention to nothingness
but I'm still a Goddess

able to turn around and manifest Power
removing the weeds that do nothing
but choke
and take

giving nothing to my life because its incapable of adding anything
to your own

I've expected too much
I've received nothing
but disappointments which opened a wound
that was already cut and scarred

Black Woman

blah blah blah

Seeds of Insecurity pushing through the soiled soul
harvesting heartbreak

EYES wide Open
I'll return to the Earth
pull this weed

that weed

this weed

that weed

until I plant the seed of beauty in my soul

and Harvest




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