"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Proverbs 18:21 Power of Words....I believe in it. So in prayer, I watch what I say. In meditation, I watch what I meditate upon. In speaking to others, I chose my words carefully. I believe we plant seeds with our words. Ok, so I spoke about something about 9-10 months ago. I was talking with a friend and asked for something specifically from God. She looked at me like I was nutty but was like "yeah ok". I'm not going to say specifically what it was but just say, I got exactly what I wanted. YIKES!! I've made life difficult for myself in all areas of my life. I was complaining to her about this situation and she reminded me of my words over 10 months ago. I sat looking at her saying...WOW....God gave me what I asked for just to prove a point, I think. We need to watch our words. Now this thing isn't SOOOOOOOOO Awful but its annoying as hell.
A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G Its almost like God is gigglin' about it. It just made me realize that our words, wishes, prayers do manifest in some manner. We need to watch our words all the time. We need to always speak truth. So many people are afraid of Honesty. Its a damn shame really. Speak from your heart. Plant Powerful, Positive seeds and watch them manifest. Watch want happens when you speak negativity, death, dishonesty and ill will......you will reap all of that! I believe if we truly don't move in what our hearts TRULY desires for our lives (in our employment, family, relationships, future, careers, etc) we reap negativity. We reap unhappiness. Watch your words. Watch what you ask for. God has a sense of humor. :)