August 20, 2007 - Monday
Fire and passion blaze through
into my veins, burning sensation rushes
intensity, desire to love me, desire to need me
longing for all that you've offered so freely to my spirit
fear sets in to remind me of a past thing, a thing that had me confused
had me lost, had me wandering, looking for the love promised to me
Can a heart be too open, too willing to love as if a noose is slowly being draped so eloquently around my neck.....
The provision of my heart can't be passed out so freely.....
I must guard my heart to guard my peace...peace of mind and my soul
The warmth of your soul keeps me drawn unto your flame....but impatient words burns at every touch.
let me be. let you be. Let me desire something deeper than an online fantasy with twisted words. You shun friendship as if its the greater evil but its the greatest gift I can offer you....
I release you to find the frantic love you seek....as I look for deeper meaning...in stability and patience......
I'm thankful for the chance to touch the flame....to walk on coals....to feel the heat of your passion and I'm blessed for the wisdom its taken to know that this is too dangerous for me to continue.....repost from myspace blog
Inspired by a long time friend